Module Catalog
Continuing Education:
If you need points or credits toward any type of licensure or certification, there is a certificate at the end of each module that provides specific details about the module that you can share with your employer or organization. To request a script for any module, please email

Assistive Technology Overview
What is Assistive Technology and how can it be used to help people with disabilities? This is a self-guided exploration that will increase your awareness of AT tools and their role in education. In...

Pecha Kucha for Special Education Teachers
Pecha Kucha 20x20 is a concise, fast-paced, and very engaging presentation style in which 20 PowerPoint slides are shown for 20 seconds each. This module features 2 Pecha Kucha presentations on topics...

What is a mole? And who is Avogadro?
This is the first module in a series of chemistry modules on molar conversions using the IDEAS strategy. This module introduces the definitions of a mole and Avogadro’s number.

Molar Mass
This is the 2nd module in a series of chemistry modules on molar conversions using the IDEAS strategy. This module features a variety of interactive activities that will help high-school students...

IDEAS Strategy for Molar Conversions
This is the 3rd module in a series of chemistry modules on molar conversions using the IDEAS strategy. This module introduces the IDEAS strategy for molar conversions. High school students taking this...

IDEAS Strategy: 1 Step Conversions
This is the 4th module in a series of chemistry modules on molar conversions using the IDEAS strategy. This module presents demonstration of 1-Step conversion problems for students to understand how...

IDEAS Strategy: 2 Step Conversions
This is the 5th module in a series of chemistry modules on molar conversions using the IDEAS strategy. This module provides demonstration of 2-Step conversion problems for students to understand how...

IDEAS Strategy: Mixed Practice 1- or 2-Step Conversions
This is the 6th module in a series of chemistry modules on molar conversions using the IDEAS strategy. Students will do some practice where the 1-Step and 2-Step conversion problems are mixed up.

Interpreting the WISC_IV Results for Special Edcucation Students
This module explains in easy to understand language how to use the WISC-IV IQ test to identify and understand a learning disability through the analysis of subtest scores. It is an ideal training tool...

International Council For Learning Disabilities (CLD) What's Trending: Historical Perspectives that Inform the Future of RTI/MTSS
The International Council for Learning Disabilities' (CLD) Leadership Academy is an opportunity for a select group of emerging leaders the field of learning disabilities to be mentored by some of the...

The Ingram-Graff Admissions Tool (I-GAT) - Procedures Manual and Short Form
Since the passage of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (2008), there has been a significant increase in the development of postsecondary education programs for young adults with intellectual and...

Common Assessment Training: Lesson Planning Task
This module will provide you with the rationale and research-based context, and specific directions for presenting the assessment to students, in addition to a detailed explanation of the scoring...