The Ingram-Graff Admissions Tool (I-GAT) - Procedures Manual and Short Form
Since the passage of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (2008), there has been a significant increase in the development of postsecondary education programs for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The Ingram-Graff Admissions Tool, or I-GAT, is an interviewing tool used to identify applicant potential for helping predict yearly success and completion of a postsecondary program. This module includes a self-paced practitioner guide on how to interview an applicant for admission into a postsecondary college program. The I-GAT manual provides step-by-step instruction for conducting the interview including: procedure preparation, to include applicant groupings and family role, introduction of the interview procedure to applicants, initiating the procedure, interview procedure practice and scoring and interview completion. The accompanying short form allows ease of application for scoring purposes. Use of the I-GAT has demonstrated a direct relationship on student outcomes. It provides a model for use as part of the admissions process for US and internationally based postsecondary programs.